Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Contemplate the Future of Community Coffee in Sibolangit

Approximately at 12:30 WIB, a cafe on the fringe of the main road Village Kuala Sibolangit, Deliserdang-about 40 km from Medan, not less than 10 elementary school students appear mengerubungi the middle of a woman while sitting mengoret-oret shabby on paper. Body sling bag their worn-out, while holding their hands some reading books.
They would not drink coffee, eat, play chess or habits such as Karo community. They are enthusiastic about finding and borrowing books, good textbooks, literature, the story of legends, and other books.
Yes, this place is a library that is managed directly by the people. Library made in the cafe is called tambar (in Karo language means "medicine").

Every day, at least 5-10 books that students borrowed each day. Other parents in the village, they would fight if there are books about the ceremony to plant cacao fruit, chili, and legends of the people.
"I most often borrow books on prescription food. So if home from work the rice fields and houses have been completed, I can also be tested, "said Barus Nuriati br (42) to SH when borrowing books in the Satellite Box Tambar (SKT) I Kuala Village. Nuriati also often borrow some textbooks for 3 children who are now middle education in primary and junior secondary school.
For Nuriati, the existence tambar very helpful insights and resources to see their families. For the procurement of textbooks that children in school, tambar become one of the object of their hope that a day-to-day life is put on the brown garden harvest.
Just imagine, Nuriati words, each time increasing the class, semester or Wulan chess lessons, she and her husband have to provide cash of Rp 750,000 to buy books for their children. That is very burdensome.
It is not surprising not all books can be provided by Nuriati, but the book needs a priority for very young children. Hence, tambar become one of the solutions on the problems pengadaaan books their children.
Currently, each week there are at least 50 books that are borrowed from tambar. Borrowers are usually quite loyal to restore the books that they borrow.
During the 2 years tambar is established, the library has been collect around 103 books in February 2003 until then. Dikoleksi book also varied, ranging from magazines, newspapers, books folklore, agriculture, school tuition, food recipe, environmental, social, political, cultural, to philosophy.
"The books are all coming from Indonesia and BITRA Foundation Ekowisata Sumatera (YES)," said Hill Murniati br (42), women Java bersuamikan Jacob SKT Ginting that I manage in the Village Kuala Sibolangit.
Although the books for the tambar is growing every year, still feel very Murniati shortages. At least, concerning the availability of books on the various options.
"Book learning school children only have 49 free titles. Who borrowed while quite a lot. So if forced to borrow would be queued, "said Murniati again.
Lack of availability of books that can dimaklumi. Borrowers not only the book actually came from the Village Kuala course, even people who have come Pancur Batu, about 20 km from the village of Kuala-borrow books to SKT I.
This is allowed because the borrower usually lived in Kuala Village, then moved to another place and came to Kuala more to borrow books. Condition is faith. Most borrowed books a month old. After that, the book should be returned.
"Up to now only lost 5 books. Some books are missing is the book suitable planting cocoa, chili, people's legends and traditional perobatan. Borrowers who take books that have attempted it, but they have not found the same types of books like that have been removed, "said Murniati.
Tambar similar established in other 4 villages, namely Bengkurung Village, Village Sayum Gugum, New Market Village, and Village Sayum Sabah. Sabah is a village Sayum Satellite Center Box Tambar (PSKT). PSKT is managed directly by BITRA Indonesia, an NGO engaged in agriculture, small economy, and community empowerment.
According to Ir Soekirman, one of the founder of a BITRA also penggagas tambar this, the idea started when they will form groups binaan in each village, which will then be built into groups of readers. And to implement them, they work with other NGOs, the Foundation Ekowisata Sumatra (YES).
Results from both research institutions, public house or cafe is the location most appropriate to establish tambar it. Karo Kebiasaaan people always gather in the cafe, both at the time, while also waiting for public transport.
Tambar considered effective when used village founded in the cafe-cafe that. Hopes, tambar can be a medicine for the "favorite" on the village needs to read that during the time they get difficult.
This program is also supported by a large company located in Jakarta. They donate books in the rather large amount.
"Currently there are around 3,250 titles. In addition to the private sector, this book procurement program also assisted several universities and 4 consulate in Medan, "said Soekirman.
In addition, a soft drink industry is also providing funding of Rp 150,000 per month for each manager tambar during the year. For the distribution of books, usually books that have been read by many people in one of the tambar, will be distributed to other tambar.
According Soekirman again, this program actually prove that the villagers need is books. The unavailability of books and price books that are not affordable to people of Indonesia have made against foreign books.
"For a smart and powerless, many people have read the book, but the dream is still there in the decades ahead, where the community as a whole can get the books easy and inexpensive. Just imagine, in North Sumatra, there are only a few libraries that clearly can not meet the needs of the people who actually read akan rindu reading, "said Soekirman again.
Another case with the Executive Director of YES Hamonangan Siringo-Ringo. Departure from the high intention read the villagers, even the institution is now a program of the libraries in the areas of industry in Singapore. Still hopes to open the horizon with the community to read the book.
"And we have the survey location. Hopefully in the near future can be realized, "said the man who called familiar with this Monang.
Book so valuable so. May be valuable because, ultimately it is so. Pemerintahpun is enthusiastic about creating a book that is foreign to the people who want a smart and forward.
Perhaps this is one of the alternatives to string dream prosperous prosperous society. When the library stand in the middle of the concrete forest in the middle of the city so far to dijamah.
Tambar and stall-cafe so pengobatnya. Yes, the medicine of the future Indonesia string better.
(SH / darma Lubis)

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