The emergence of new trends that the world financial institutions such as IMF, World Bank, ADB, and international trade institutions such as WTO, AFTA etc.. Which is the extension of international capitalism hand, have tended to ridicule the monetary damage to the physical business (non-monetary), exploit developing countries, the economic fundamen and moneternya not strong, and some countries in Asia because of the monetary terpuruk they do. One of the countries that bear the worst consequences of this game is Indonesia, which until now (have 3 more years) can not rise from keterpurukannya. Indonesia's economy was built by the New Order regime was only a building that pondasinya porous, so when terterpa storm the building collapsed and flat to the ground. Unlike the neighboring countries (Malaysia and Singapore) that since 2 years ago have started to rise again due to creep economic foundation that was built strong enough so that when the roof is only terterpa storms are flying and it takes a long time and a lot of energy to install a new roof . Indonesia must establish're building from zero again. When the crisis are familiar with the countries sacrifice monetary game is the international financial institutions and trade institutions in the world start to enter the agenda-agenda to be obeyed by countries that are falling, even in the form of state policy even though, for example, are some of Bill digodok in RI House of Representatives and even have a product has been born into the law enforcement because the IMF, for example. Longgena Ginting, an energizer environment and economic observer, said in bulettin Roots bahwan have 5 as a result of the presence of IMF and World Bank in Indonesia; 1. Economic destruction. IMF interpensi start business in Indonesia during the oil mengalamai bankruptcy in 1980. Some of the IMF package from year to year is a program for economic structure adjustment in the field of industry, commerce trade governance, forestry and mining, automotive and textiles. However, in the implementation of the matters referred to above do not even use the loan to build a golf course, tourist industry, luxury housing and heavy industries that are not associated with as many people IPTN. As a result, the treasury became so anjlok development IPTN must borrow funds reforestation of 3 million U.S. dollars, 1996. 2. The large amount of unemployment. Since the adjustment program dititipkan by the IMF package is implemented, more and more due to unemployment of PHK construction companies in large-scale development because berhentinya / physical projects. Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) estimates up to 1999 in the middle there are 39 million victims of PHK. For the avoidance of the shock of the World Bank and Bappenas organizing program Social Safety Net (JPS). 3. The high taxes that the people should be paid. Bankruptcy due to economic and tax-burdened people quote-quote restribusi from all sides of life to cover the debt and operational state. 4. Education only for the middle class. Program structure improvement this trying economic improvement of public education, the government through the Ministry of National Education to provide lot-lot on foreign capital to manage education, so that future students is a course must pay 5 million year. 5. The adilan. IMF akan perusaan-organize the company to issue millions of U.S. dollars that can menalangi even petinggi Indonesia alan with a collateral resources, remove the subsidy of health, education and trust for foreign capital investment in the world perbankkan, mass media and culture. Deletion of the subsidy is now done in stages, starting, as is done in the fuel oil (BBM) and Electricity. Patuhnya countries because of the condition of the victim state that the cash is so that the operational costs of state enforcement activities must menghutang back on the international financial institutions, and the money that can be said dipinjamnya also exploitation of the results (in various forms, including monetary game) state that meminjamnya back now. See us on the council pengemisan CGI in Tokyo, Japan. Perhaps khabar economists, in the years 2001 to 2009 is the debt-maturity debt abroad Indonesia yangberjumlah approximately 150 Billion U.S. Dollars and must be paid immediately or direscedulling. When we are doing fierce-galaknya regional autonomy. Ahirnya akan happens is that the regions level II menggenjot akan PAD is as big pengutipan through taxes and restribusi area, so any way whether it halal or haram (things that are destruktif for environmental, social and cultural) will be done by government districts & cities. For business of course this will be very harmful because the financial institutions / actors capitalist through the hands of financial institutions and institutions internasioanal world trade to buy stock with the action of systematic pressure, and is constitutional (just follow the action the purchase of shares of PT. Bentoel 75% by Soros) with jargon economic globalization and the trade in the free market, so there is no more limits State (country). This is certainly also akan berimbas and disadvantages of small and of course. Asian business empire that ownership sahamnya owned by the Asian race (skin color) will need extra care as the company that sexsi (good future prospects) will Dilirik dipelintir and so can sahamnya owned by the international capitalism. Bankruptcy & Autonomy That game with a very complex and confusing, and the figures in international financial institutions successfully make random financial and economy with a variety of ways and institutions Mafia international network of neat, and they use the organization / international financial institutions as a legal tool in the game for them to menghacurkan target countries such as what happens to the countries Southeast Asia, but other countries have appeared from his resurrection keterpurukan are followed by Indonesia with the complexity of multiple crises it appeared a tendency towards the threat of bankruptcy, because the debt as much as possible is created by the New Order government (which fundamental economic fact is very flimsy) must dutanggung by the next government, which in the year 2001 - 2009 (as expressed above) is a time-period-maturity debt, its foreign debt. From which we will pay it? Become a big question for all of us. Autonomy akan akan but Pamungkas a weapon or tool that is very good for the government's berkilah errors and inability to complete the vicious circle is distraught. Penggenjotan PAD is a form of manifestation which is very effective for this case, khabarnya some areas in East Java have been increase land tax and building 5 to 7 times and each regional district and city have made a lot of regulation to translate Law. 22 & 25 1999 on regional autonomy. Akan-regulation, but regulation is part of regulation is to menggenjot PAD with pengutipan form of taxes and restribusi area as big. To prove the above assumption is true let's see the Perda-regulation of the Government made some districts and cities in the North Sumatra. Legislative Deli Serdang is engesyahkan 45 regulation submitted by the Pemkab Deli Serdang, Regulation 45 of the 27 are already disyahkan regulation is set on how to tax and must be cited restribusi area. On Pemkab. Langkat regulation 59 of the 19 have already disyahkan on tax and regulation restribusi. People (the Good Heart Loser) Is indeed ironic that the debt of the implementation of its use to build the country and the people there leakage occurs here with a system (not written in a sheet state, only with the agreement I do the same), which runs the latter named KKN (collusion, corruption & nepotism) should be paid by the people who dicekek his neck to remove the tax and restribusi-restribusi of the many facets of life for native daearah income (PAD), as examples of areas that have already designed the reception restribusi from incineration (burning corpse for Buddhist and Hindu community) and will appear akan Regulation -regulation of exotic and intellect can not be accepted that it must be restribusi or tax, this is done only because mengenjot for PAD as big. Regional akan build their own area of concentration while Jakarta collect money from the oil mining sector (85% and 15% central area), natural gas (70% and 30% central area), plantation, etc.. Local income taken by the center to pay the foreign debt and the operational state. This is another form of pay that rakyatlah that even countries which are relatively very few people use or accept in the manfatnya ago, when the debt is created. On the other hand we see some debt that large companies are now named in nongkrong as IBRA and obligornya, there is at least 144.5 trillion rupiah by the dikucurkan for BLBI Penyehatan banking khabarnya perhaps this is done for foreign ownership menghempang (so that large companies and prospective property in land is not occupied by foreign companies). As well as state-owned PLN on the one thing we as people have to pay proportionally even tend to consume relatively expensive energy produced by PLN in the form of electricity, but because of KKN and management that are not good losers PLN therein, so that PLN 133.5 owe billion U.S. Dollars (equivalent to 1,170 trillion rupiah, worth 4 times the national budget) return of the people through tax-and restribusi the various countries must be free of losses and debt menangung it. The others also do not want to participate in less suck people through a variety of ways. We see for example, through Pertamina monopolinya in the sale of oil and gas (elpiji), the most ahir with our gas price increase is the percentage of a very large because only the error and dilapidation in the management of Pertamina itself. More and more people must, in this case as a consumer, who must bear the deritanya. Indonesia is the threat of bankruptcy is not well direspon Oleg Gusdur government said that the government transition to the era of the reformis, democratic and move on perwujutan civil society. The political elite is not busy thinking about the problems of this nation with the added problem of disintegration and multi akan crisis, but they are busy sikut each other and each other for reasons memperebutkan throne and political power. This is frustrating to see konsisi may make a social revolution Sahrir recommend to whiten / remove all the debt of our country / international financial institutions and our debt and start living a new economy from zero again. Indeed, if the political elite and leaders of the nation does not take action as soon as possible akan aggressive multi-dimensional problems of the crisis that we face is not possible, this is not recommended sahrir what will happen. Because it was at this time we see symptoms of social protest that have occurred in the community. Have started the decline of solidarity of nationalism, as evidenced with the community perdulian akan whatever happens and progress in this country. Decreasing sense of resolve concerns about inter-regional and SARA going. The lack of help and assistance to the victims of the natural disaster. Then apatisme this has increased the symptoms of social protest with signs of small, does not heed a red light again, dijalanan. Does not care and do not want to pay taxes-taxes that are charged with a welded kaprah, this time of reform - in addition to the revenue agencies are also not conducive to facilitate applicants who are NPWP dimintai bribe money is reaching hundreds of thousands of rupiah - and many other examples of small small-that have been the first step of social protest occurs. Iswan Kaputra, Social Worker at BITRA Indonesia, Medan and Chairman of the Forum Community of origin Labuhan Batu (FORMAL) |
Senin, 30 Maret 2009
State bankrupt because of the International Financial Institutions, the People Became Victims
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